We are a in-home family breeder of Multigenerational Australian Labradoodles. The Better Breed By Design. We were introduced to Labradoodles as the best family pets by my sister, Zoe Shaw, who is the breeder behind Multigen Labradoodles in California.
We fell in love with their friendly personalities and teddy bear looks. The fact that they are allergy friendly and low to no shedders was a bonus.
We got Ruby, our foundation girl, from Zoe and bred her in tandem with Zoe to start our breeding career. The guidance, advice and support we received from Zoe as a seasoned breeder were invaluable.
Ruby is the queen of our pack and keeps all the other dogs in line. When we made the decision to start breeding on our own we bred Ruby with Frump from Multigen and kept Maui from that litter.
Maui is extremely loving and you can’t walk by her without her asking for a belly rub. Later we bred Ruby with Weber from Autumn Lane Doodles and kept Sunny from that litter.
Sunny is a dainty little princess who loves to play fetch.
We Were then ready to add our own boy to our program and were pleased when our search results lead us to Gallagher. He is everything our family dreamed of in a male and has been the best addition to our pack.
When we were ready to add another girl we went back to our sister breeder and obtained Holly. Holly and Ruby are cousins and share the strong bloodlines that we strive to continue in our program. She lived with us for a few months so we could develop a bond. When it was time to give her to her guardian family it was hard to see her go. But we instituted our guardian program so that our breeding dogs can live in a home environment and get the individual attention they crave and deserve. Holly is a darling girl and absolutely adores her guardian family. When she is here with our pack she fits right in as if she never missed a day.
Our second boy, Mr. Jones also came to us from Classic City Labradoodles in Georgia where we got Gallagher. He and Gallagher are half brothers and his goofy, happy go lucky personality is to die for. Mr. Jones also lives with a guardian family and enjoys long walks, endless games of fetch and long snuggles on the couch.
Our puppies are home-raised. They spend their early weeks in the bedroom with just us and their mom and when they are 4 weeks old, they are moved into an enclosed area on the main level of our house where they are introduced to the other dogs in the house and grow accustomed to all the noises of our very active household. They are constantly talked to, handled, played with and loved by my husband and I and our two boys. As a result, they are well socialized when they are young.
Multigen labradoodles are a great choice for your family because of their intelligence, wonderful temperament, allergy friendly coats, low shedding qualities, and ease of training. All of our dogs are raised in our home or their guardian home as family dogs. No kennels here!! Our dogs come from a long line of therapy dogs and we focus on breeding healthy (our adult dogs are health tested) dogs with amazing temperaments who make great therapy dogs or family companions.
Contact us with questions (646) 234-0704 or email westfieldslabradoodles@gmail.com



Mr. Jones

About Labradoodles
Non-aggressive, vivacious, confident, clown-like joyful, sociable, friendly, loyal and affectionate , and devoted to family happy-go-lucky with a Big personality, spirited, smart, clever and thrives on human companionship.
The Labradoodle is a unique and fascinating dog which was first bred in Australia in the 1970's. Labradoodles are a cross between the Standard Poodle and Labrador Retriever. The search for a low allergy Guide Dog led to the breeding of Labradoodles. The Labrador's easy going ways and the Poodle's smartness made for an interesting combination, and an exciting discovery was that a percentage of each litter had puppies which appeared to be allergy friendly. An added bonus for the Labradoodle was the lack of shedding in some of these puppies and the absence of a doggy smell. Later, the use of the Miniature Poodle was introduced, and today there are three sizes in the Labradoodle. The popularity of the labradoodle has led to a large number of people jumping on the "bandwagon" and attempting to do their own breeding – this practice is resulting in a dog of far lesser quality than most folks would want for a family companion. Inexperienced breeders do not realize that the vast majority of these first generation dogs will shed and still carry many of the other traits that are trying to be avoided in a good-quality Labradoodle. In addition, these inexperienced breeders usually do not take temperament or health testing into consideration. No matter where you get your "doodle", please be careful to assure yourself that you are indeed getting what you want in a dog.
Labradoodles are known for their typical "Benji" look, outstanding intelligence and train-ability, low allergy coat, low to non-shedding coat and lack of dogie odor. They are slightly heavier than the Standard Poodle with strong front limbs. They can have a borderline wavy coat, wavy coat or a curly (fleece) coat, and the heaviest coat is the Wooly Coat, which is more like a poodle. The coat should be about 4-6 inches in length.
Labradoodles come in numerous color varieties:
Black, Chalk, Cream, Apricot, Red, Chocolate, Cafe au Lait and Silver.
Standard: Height: 21-24 inches; Weight: 50-85+ pounds; Males being larger. Medium: Height: 18-23 inches; Weight; 30-50 pounds; Males being larger. Miniature: Height: 17 to 20 inches; Weight: 15-30 pounds; Males being larger.

Kodiak from Sunny & Gallagher
Benji from Maui and Gallagher at 5 months